Discotek Beirut

  • Dirección
    Tanois Chahine, Bayrut, Lebanon
  • Teléfono
  • Enlaces
    • Seguidores



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  • We’re seriously, not that serious. But that’s what you came for isn’t it? This is kind of a club for those in the club. And that has nothing to do with exclusivity, because the word “exclusive” is part of the problem. This is a place for the movers and the shakers, as in the dance floor not the boardroom. That doesn’t mean we don’t have table service, just that they’re reserved for brief moments of respite and the guy paying the bill. We’re a breath of fresh air in a world that’s gone bit stagnant. This is not your average, “not your average night club.” This is Discotek #DSCTK



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