Crux 3.4 – Audio-Visual Performing Arts

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    RVCH, infimensions, Lossy, Silent Bomber, Ana Berkenhoff, Reality, THAT'S IT, Miri Kat, Stormfield, Mowgli, Oddscene
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  • C R U X electronic audio-visual performing arts SAT 4 NOVEMBER 2017 6PM - 11PM @ 'Random Artists – HOME' event at EXFED (199 Eade Road, London N4 1DN) L I V E S E T S LOSSY Lossy, aka Sam Sharp, is a composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist based in Hackney, London. As a session musician he has worked for Phil Selway (Radiohead), Beverley Knight, BenTaylor and Lou Rhodes (Lamb) along with tour dates and remixes for the likes of Hackney Colliery Band, Introducing Live, Augustines, Hollie McNish, Laura Mvula, Greymatter and Roska. His own work includes releases on Tru Thoughts, Tessier Ashpool and Two Rivers Recordings in addition to the offerings on his own label Boot Cycle Audio. These include EPs 'Microverse', 'Chase Scenes' and 'River Solos' and have received great coverage to date, including support from Radio 3, 6 Music, Amazing Radio, XLR8R, Clash Music, Ear Milk, Data Transmission and Watch The Hype. Always at the forefront of technology, his live performances combine innovative controllers, live electronics, traditional acoustic instruments and looping gear to enable him to improvise and compose on the fly. His performance for Crux AV will be showcasing some brand new material under the working title 'Impressionist Loops' - think Debussy meets Aphex Twin - and will feature Lossy on sax and electronics along side composer and pianist Esben Tjalve on keyboards. SILENT BOMBER Silent Bomber will be performing his 'Stealth' live performance. 'Blending light and sound while hidden away in camouflage. Drowned in atmosphere but flourishing in suspense. Silent Bomber is here to transport you to another reality of powerful electronic music.' ANA BERKENHOFF Dada-Postindustrial-Pophuman. With her 'Insubordinately Sublime' compositions Ana Berkenhoff punks her audience in the UK on the electrix repeater from KlingKlangStudio, a handmade 12-string guitar and a Bass Kalimba combined with Ableton and voice. Always on an edge her works are featured on radio BBC, NTS, Waveform NY, won the Francis Chagrin Award and traveled to sound art festivals. RVCH + infimensions (live AV) RVCH ‘’Pounding waves of rhythms blending into astral clouds in the horizon, in pursuance of the primordial sounds that vibrate in eternity…Translating the unseen into the language of air, the vibrations in synchronicity…Through the alchemical transmutation of elemental frequencies, a tribute to the dance of all-pervading cosmic energy…’’ RVCH is a musical expression of Tolga Çokdeğer (Toll Tres), a visual artist / musician based in London. He has been active in Istanbul’s underground music scene for the past ten years, releasing/ performing with the psychedelic rock band Pitohui and the techno duo Neonderthal. Inspired by ambient music producers such as Steve Roach, Vir Unis and deep atmospheric techno. INFIMENSIONS infimensions is an audiovisual/visionary art project by Danijel Šivinjski, artist exploring dimensions of light, sound, space and spirit — HAF label artist, transpectar founder/artist, blind fields researcher/artist. From different forms of experimental, live, generative and interactive art, mostly recognized for projection mapping and light installations. Among self-initiated projects, involved in festival and theatre productions. infimensions performs generative visuals in real time, which, simply said, makes each visual have its own life as a living organism dancing under direct influence of the music. In addition to that, custom-built visual performance tools allow him a greater flexibility in terms of making creative decisions on the fly. REALITY: Entimology A new project by the artist duo Reality (Daniil Alexandrov and Zhenia Vasiliev) brings live video mixing, creative writing, electro-acoustic sound performance together with empathy in the context of collective intelligence on contemporary digital networks. Entimology, a project engaged with language and swarm mentality, is an exercise of multi-modal translation: translation of bodies into texts, texts into visions, social behaviours into symbolic forms, speech of insects into our speech and back. Which possibilities, Reality asks, the study of communication in insects, particularly those ones living socially, could bring into our understanding of connection between users in the digital domain? The duo approaches critically the idea of collective action, arguing instead that users are involved on the level of the individual, rather than collective, action frame. V E E J A Y THAT'S IT About 10 years ago I started looking for ways of turning my obsessive drawing habit into a transient performative process, a process which has no goal or creative product in the end. Eventually I came across Tagtool which was back then an open source DIY software and hardware solution. It fits my needs perfectly, and I have been using it at various events and venues ever since. I draw, animate and project in real time, usually to and in response to music. Sometimes good image pops up, and that makes it worth it. MIRI KAT Miri Kat is a Livecoder / AV Artist / Producer from London. Interested in music tech, web technologies, hacking, creative coding, algorithmic music and generative visuals. Mainly using Livecode and MaxMSP with a strong focus on creating immersive, audio responsive multimedia. She has a background in Games Design and currently works at Novation music. At this edition of Crux she will be creating visuals for Lossy's set. STORMFIELD Stormfield makes and performs visuals for his own projects Stormfield, Fausten, Scald, Tactile Members. He has also done visuals for Scorn, Anodyne, Plaid, Broken Note, Blackmass Plastics, Guncleaner, UKAEA, Brainwash Glastonbury, Errorbeauty and Towards Collapse. Scald visuals: Tactile Members visuals: MOWGLI Classed amongst the top 10 European VJ's in 2008 at the London International Music Show, Mowgli is a multimedia artist and performer who's work has been everywhere from Burning Man to the BFI in Southbank. ODDSCENE Oddscene is team of two female multimedia visual artists, working with video production, animation, VJing, photography and sculpture. Their work combines a variety of media, and is strongly influenced by surrealism. Their produce a collage of imagery inspired by science, horror, technology, natural history, sci-fi, and dolls. Since 2004, Oddscene have been active working with live video for different musicians and events in London, Berlin, Poland, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, and Morocco. Watch Galaktica Battlesounds (Gruff002/Gruff records):
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