Kolibri Sinfonie with Rain Dog, Silberfischer & More

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    Rain Dog // Project Mooncircle Silberfischer *live // Modularfield | Bon Temps records | female:pressure Kindred Sol Saphear // Kybele | Something Slow
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  • About: Kolibri Sinfonie is a monthly event happening at the new floor 'Hinter den Alpen' at Klunkerkranich - organised and curated by the DJ-Violin duo Saphear formed of Chrystal Chris and Sawatzki. The recorded sets of these special nights are uploaded here to recall the magic of buzzing hummingbirds' spirits: https://soundcloud.com/kolibrisinfonie Story: Cranes and hummingbirds couldn't be more different. Cranes belong to the biggest and heaviest flying birds, while hummingbirds are the tiniest and lightest feathered creatures. Even their songs sound quite contrasting but exactly this spectrum of diversity makes a meaningful connection and combination.
  • Kolibri Sinfonie with Rain Dog, Silberfischer & More - Página frontal