Kosmos x Disco Merasa x Moan Recordings [16H Kingsday Special]

  • Kosmos - a celebration of the universe. Kosmos is all that is around us. Kosmos is known as the universe and it represents the infinity of time, space and life. It’s definition is a complete, orderly & harmonious system. Our Kosmos is the particular spacetime continuum we live our daily lives in. It is ever expanding and impossible to wrap your mind around. On the 27th of April, we're celebrating Kingsday in full effect. Kosmos is coming in hot together with our friends from Disco Merasa and the Italian-based Moan Recordings. For this joyous occasion, we're throwing a 16H Kingsday Special, both inside and outside - day & night. And because it's a special day, we're bringing out the big guns. Expect a proper soundsystem on the Terrace with Funktion Ones providing those heart-warming sounds of the universe. Terrace 13:00 - 23:00 ٥ T.B.A. Club 23:00 - 05:00 ٥ T.B.A. Vibe Expect a massive Kosmos-like decoration both inside and outside of The Suicide Club. Also, we'll bring some special spatial live art & dance performance acts to complete the Kosmos-experience. Tickets ♚ Early Adventurer Ticket [Sold out] ♚ Normal Day & Night Adventurer [Now on-sale] ♚ Late Day & Night Adventurer ♚ Group Adventurers [Now on-sale] Tickets via http://bit.ly/kosmos-kingsday-ticks Live Long and Prosper 🖖
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