Epoch Turns 7 with Automatic Tasty and Other Treats

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    Automatic Tasty, Tapes Jamaican, Jimmy Penguin, DJ Demel, DJ Blazehitta
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  • We're back to celebrate 7 years of hoedowns with the Automatic Tashty maneen himself, joined by a host of local and Irish talent between The Garden and Factory. FACTORY Since Automatic Tasty last joined us for the Arts Festival in 2015, he has been making and selling records to beat the band; has featured at numerous festivals including Open Ear, Body and Soul, and Electric Picnic; and has racked up a considerable number of appearances out foreign, including annual jaunts to Panoramabar: synths, machines, and other contraptions in tow at all times. Expect acid lines and banging drums from one of Ireland's most highly respected live acts. Joining him will be TapesJamaican, the production duo of Paudi Ahern and Phil Long, two of Ireland's finest (and dare we say shamefully underappreciated at times) DJs. Their recent "Zero Seagull" EP on Dublin's First Cut label injected a healthy dose of soul into the Irish electronic music landscape, so we look forward to hearing the follow-up. Expect house, techno, and electro of the various guises from these guys. THE GARDEN Hip-hop, soul, and more with queen-of-all-things-urban, DJ Blazehitta, and local scratch heroes Jimmy Penguin and Demel. Jimmy Penguin should be familiar to most as one of the brains behind the legendary Community Skratch Games (this year's edition takes place over the Easter weekend in the Bierhaus). He'll be known to others as a DJ and producer par excellence, specializing in disgustingly ruckus beats. It's been a while since he's played the club so we're delighted to have him in to give us all a schooling. There'll be no flies found on Demel either, another skilled scratch DJ with quite the penchant for soul and jazz. Not content with dropping beats, you'll also find him slinging the finest threads in Galway's favourite streetwear shop, 1984 Miracles. DJ Blazehitta has been killing it of late, with her mix of rnb and reggaeton proving very popular with dancers down the West end of town. No stranger to the art of scratching herself, we're really looking forward to hearing what she come up with when let loose in the Garden. Of course, If none of that sounds like your thing, Electric resident Paul Belton has you covered on the main floor with his mix of Saturday night crowdpleasers. Something for all the family. Things kick off in the club at the usual 11pm, but there's also talk of a pre-party, something that we haven't done in a while (it is our 7th birthday after all), so keep your eyes and ears peeled for that. Would be great to see everyone for tunes and a few suppeens before the main event.
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