Horse Meat Disco

  • Experience pure dance floor exuberance at Horse Meat Disco.
  • So you may have heard by now we are going back to one of our old and favourite haunting grounds for a very special one off. Prince Charles was our home for almost three years after Tape closed - we have some incredible memories from this great space and It still is the home to ‘Mother' aka our old sound system from Tape. James Hillard and Severino will be joining us from HMD Central and we are extremely excited to finally have the opportunity to host Jacob Meehan (Buttons) who blew our minds at Whole Festival last year. Our tag team Oren Marzam & Jonathan who smashed closings at the Bauakademie on the reg, will close out the morning. As usual, make an effort and Dean will show some love at the door… maybe not the love you’re after, nonetheless love! Can’t wait, been too long since we’ve seen you all. Lots of love and cocks from above! your #HMDB crew
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