Yellow feat. Romel Johan & Claire Morgan

  • Yellow is Sydney’s Saturday weekly home for girls and boys who don’t want the run of the mill; who’ve tested what’s out there and are left wanting more; who don’t want to be fed the same cheap tunes over and over again; who are after a party, without the pretentious bullshit and above all good clean (and sometimes dirty) fun. After playing an impromptu set at Yellow two weeks back, Romel Johan seriously impressed all those who attended, so much in fact that we had to get him back again! Mixing minimal, tech and techno all too easily this guy is the goods and shouldn't be missed if you need a quick techno fix! Think deep, melodic, detroit techno, not the bang bang stuff (well maybe a little). Also added to the bill is Machinmusik's hostess Claire Morgan. Heralding from the sunshine state, but now a permanent fixture in Sydney, Claire has been doing the rounds at many of the local undeground parties so its about time she made an appearance at Yellow to show the boys how its done. Strip all that genre bullshit away, is really just beats and noise for girls and boys. Add to this cheap as chips drinks, a killer sound system and a friendly up-for-it crowd and you've got yourself the makings of a great party for $10. And remember, you can kick on at Strangeways at Home Nightclub for only $5 after 3am with the Yellow stamp.