宀 Celebrates Bass Kitchen Taipei 10th Anniversary with Yoshi Nori, Initials B.B. and Youry

  • Lugar
    宀 Club
    • 4F, 279 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
  • Fecha
    Sat, Dec 7, 201923:00 - 05:00
  • Interesadx
    • 13
  • Yoshi Nori (Bass Kitchen, Taipei), Youry, Initials B.B. (Bass Kitchen, Taipei) Style: #House #Techno #Bass #Rave Along with Smoke Machine, Bass Kitchen Taipei has been the other key player that brought the Taipei scene, as well as the now legendary Korner, on the underground electronic dance music map around asia. The 宀 team is happy to welcome both Yoshi Nori and Initials B.B for a 10th year anniversary asia tour, Co-organised with Bass Kitchen, 宀 and Contact Club in Tokyo. 多得Smoke Machine和Bass Kitchen等團體,或是傳奇派對場地Korner的努力不懈,台灣在過去數年地下電子音樂得以驚人速度滋長。在地理位置相近,而且與宀團隊有著多年的情誼,適逢Bass Kitchen十週年,宀非常高興再請來兩位成員—Yoshi Nori及Initials B.B合辦是次亞洲巡演,於宀及東京的Contact演出! Yoshi Nori A well-known feature (and creatures) in East Asia's electronic music scene, Japanese-Taiwanese DJ Yoshi Nori embarked on his musical journey in 2003 while living in Chicago. Initially influenced by the raw house sound of the city, he gradually went beyond his Chicago roots, incorporating elements of the neo-Detroit minimal sound and the early 2000s post-punk attitude then prevalent. Yoshi Nori 現今東南亞地區地下電子音樂其中一位表表者,日台混血兒Yoshi Nori於2003年在美國芝加哥開始DJ生涯,深受當地原始House及Techno音樂影響,同時亦受過新世代底特律簡約之音和千禧年初的後崩運動的洗禮。 Relocating back to his hometown Taipei, Yoshi brought the Chicago energy and his signature sound, penetrating Taipei CIty with the now-infamous Bass Kitchen party series. Now a decade later, he has brought a wide range of house DJs to the island, among them Move D, Gonno, Bell Towers, Powder, 5ive, Kassem Mossem, Tzusing, etc. Never the person to take a break, Yoshi is now launching a new label - "禁 Jin" – aiming to showcase Asia's best and forward-thinking artists. 自回到家鄉台北,Yoshi以芝加哥的活力和他特有的風格影響台北的音樂界,包括Bass Kitchen的派對。轉眼十年,他曾經誠邀世界各地的House DJ來到台灣演出,包括Move D、Gonno、 Bell Towers、Powder、5ive、Kassem Mossem、Tzusing等等。現今他成立廠牌「禁 Jin」,為樂迷推介更多亞洲音樂人。 Expect a ride into the wild and make sure to fasten your (seat) belt. 請扣好安全帶,準備一趟狂野之旅。 Initials B.B. Hailing from Paris, but in Taipei since an eternity, Initials B.B. has been something of an unsung legend of Taipei's thriving music scene. A long-time Bass Kitchen Taipei resident D.J., B.B., a few years ago, switched from records to recordings and emerged as one of Taiwan's leading live acts and producers. Initials B.B. 來自巴黎,現今安頓於台北的Initials B.B.,是台灣鮮為人知的傳奇人物。由Bass Kitchen台北的長駐DJ之角色,不久成為唱片製作人及台灣首屈一指的現場演出音樂人和製作人。 Releasing as L'Amour Fou (Initials B.B. + Boris Ocram + Move D) on Hamburg's Smallville records and on Hong Kong's own FBRB as BBRB (remix by Mr. Ho & Powder), and with a track upcoming on Yoshi's new label - JIN, B.B. has redrawn Taiwan's musical map. 與Boris Ocram和Move D以L'Amour Fou名義於漢堡的Smallville廠牌旗下推出自家製作,另外Initials B.B在香港本地廠牌FBRB化名為BBRB與Mr Ho及Powder製作混音,還有不久將會登場的新製作,就是在Yoshi的新廠牌「禁 Jin」旗下推出。相當有魄力的他間接重整台灣的音樂板圖。 For this special occasion, B.B. will present Hong Kong with an intriguing live set to build up an unique atmosphere for the night. 為著是次香港特別派對,Initials B.B將會以現場演出為暖場。 Expect the unexpected. 期待意料之外。 Youry His musical taste encompasses a wide range of styles and artists. Whether using hip hop, jazz, techno, disco, or house (to name just a few), his signature quality is his ability to meld genres seamlessly in order to produce a groove that is both sensual and electric. Youry涉獵音樂廣泛,不論是Hip hop、Jazz、Disco或是House,他都能把不同類型的音樂都完美融入舞池的韻律中,滿帶野性而別樹一格。 No matter where he plays--Russia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and elsewhere--the goal is always the same: making the crowd move their bodies to the funkiest beats around. He is an impeccable curator of sound, crafting sets that are sexy and unexpected. For Youry, music should make us feel things we can't express--at least until we start moving to the beat. 面對各地如俄羅斯、香港、越南等等舞池,音樂交到Youry手中必是充滿驚喜,而且意態撩人,舞者隨著鼓拍舞動,野性爆發。音樂在Youry心目中,是解放和表達,你要是能起舞,就能表達平時不能言語之感。 開放時間 : 11PM - 5AM 場內不可拍照。 沒有衣著要求。 請隨心悠樂。
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