[Cancelled] • Qreclaim 7 / Κρικλέιμ 7 •

  • *More info soon. Do y’all know what this is about? The celebrated and highly desirable inclusivity has been considered by all Athenian parties/events/happenings etc. some kind of sophisticated orientation, either through identity politics that want to define with explicit political terms the composition of the people attending, either through piteous, seemingly humanitarian exaggerations (lol) on how people should come close (hmm) to each other. Not even one Athenian lgbtqi party with a 100+ attendance, despite its ambitions and motives, can in confidence communicate that this is happening, nobody is in a position to claim that something remotely to this has been accomplished or achieved. If it is considered by anyone that inclusivity is in effect, this is an outright lie and, in the best case scenario, the transparency of privileged behaviors and subjects emerges once again. From the heterophobic entrance (see historical accounts of anecdotal proportions) to the wakeful people that are in the service of the event’s guarding, fun that oughts to be inextricably linked to everyone’s safety , is not just a foggy reality: it is a constant hunt fractured and directly related to the experiences of the people that culminate in a night event. Even if -phobic behaviors of distinct verbal and/or physical abuse disappear, dominant attitudes and situations still remain and arise. Just a random display of the bodies that e x i s t in any instant during the night can easily reveal this. Then again, the use of colorful variety as a self-reference tool by any organization in order to purify the attendance of an event has in itself distorted the value of identity politics, resulting in the cultivation of forms of subversivism in lgbtqi environments. It would certainly be very nice and useful to establish an express service that would rescue feminities from being crushed by cis gay and bi bodies on a sex positive dance floor. Even so, it could be possible, if the peccable budget allowed it (that particular Achilles’ heel that has quite haply touched the boundaries of a foot fetish by people constantly flirting with queer purism – pun intended) screens could be installed in the surrounding area displaying probably the missing fag hags (note: a problematic subculture gay term that cis women are in dire want of its abolishment during recent years) surely with the consent of one’s friend. Qreclaim hasn’t reached the magical number 7 as a result of tasteful musical choices (true) and an uncomplicated, guiltless love of techno music and its culture. Like all lgbtqi events, it still owes its existence to both the innumerable cis gay body and to the tolerance of all the rest of the bodies; such a ruling state of things which gradually, if left unchecked, always leads to their mirthless abstinence. The deadly sins are also widely known to be seven and, hands down, seven venereal diseases can be cited, candidly associated to our shared narrative, a status that we proudly hold throughout our sexual liberation and living. There’s love for every body, yes, even for those creepily built, almost laboratory-made gym bodies, but there’s zero tolerance and hence love for all attitudes and behaviors. Inclusivity is irreconcilable to the oppression of the predominant (an oxymoron just in the guise of a phrase) but also incompatible, if not contradictory to norms of colorful diversity that lead to appropriation instead of the space it deserved in the first place. From cis straight men (allies or mere ravers) to muscle queens, from queer people (the term is NOT used here as an umbrella term) to cis and trans women, there’s no illusion that those that oppose us unite us. These remarkable seven deadly sins that we are historically identified with, the stds that are quite often beautifully contracted to the accompaniment of house/techno melodies, in the gloom of a darkroom or in the plain sight of a stage corner (whatever you like), compose a common, shared ground. If we cannot actually be co-concerned, both organizationally and organically, the only std that separates and will continue to separate us, are perpetually and at any given time, toxic masculinities. *written by Yorgakis Eleftheropoulos, member of the qreclaim team
  • [Cancelled] • Qreclaim 7 / Κρικλέιμ 7 • - Página frontal