Virtual Sunset: Feel The Sun

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    DJs: Solar Galen Sound Immersion Experience: Danny Goldberg Raising the Vibration: Melanie Dawn Visual Textures: Slide & Spin Spring Foliage: Intrinsic Designs
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  • Galen and Solar, otherwise known as the Sunset Sound System, broadcast from the sunny Californian outdoors to deliver just what the name promises.
  • Well, we missed dancing in the park this Spring and now also for our festival this Summer but it doesn't mean we can't still dance together...yet apart. Join us for our very first and possibly only live streaming event, We are putting our spin on this phenomenon that has taken over the interwebs in efforts to keep us all connected. We will be streaming the music from outdoors so let's get our Sunset groove on next to a window, on your balcony, patio, backyard, or wherever you can safely feel some sun and Spring breezes. We will preface the dance portion with a wonderfully calming Sound Bath & Meditation. The event is free but also a fundraiser for the Sunset core team of artists that have lost 100% of their income for the foreseeable future! Donations can be made here: PayPal.Me/sunsetdonations (uncheck goods and services box so there are no fees) 2pm - 8pm PDT ||
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