New Bohemia NYE 2022

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    Alex Sibley  alias_J ArtisMobilUs Azzecca  Catalyst Arts Charles Darius Conandrum Damian Ardenne Discordia Displayed Labors DJ Sep DJ Random InTeNt Doug Rhodes (live paint) Dual Demons Elsa Eric McFadden, Kate Vargas & Friends Extra Action Marching Band Flux Vertical Theatre Haute Mess  J-Kind Just B Major Trouble Richard Mixon Sage Ferris SatineAngelic Siren and Shugga Bear Sokyo Syd Gris Twisted Windows Vau de Vire Society Zaria
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  • The party that makes it worth it to go out on NYE, New Bohemia at the Mint, for people looking for something (truly) special on NYE Friday, December 31st - NYE 2022! What happens on NYE when the world had to skip the last one? Let's find out together shall we? Co-created by the Vau de Vire Society & Opel Productions now in our 8th incarnation, what we do inside the Mint - there's nothing like it anywhere! 23 Areas to explore over 6.5 hours. ~23+ Music Acts. Dozens of performers, dancers and characters.


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