Silvester Klubnacht 2020/2022

  • Berghain's legendary New Year's party was postponed and now it's finally happening. A huge lineup of almost 50 local and international guests and residents will play across all the dance floors in the building.
  • Mit Blick zurück nach vorn hebeln wir an diesem langen Pfingstwochenende den linearen Zeitstrom aus und holen die vergangenen beiden ausgefallenen Silvesterpartys einfach im Sommer und auf fünf Dancefloors nach. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Looking back and ahead we're blurring the linear timeline on this Whitsun, making up for the past two cancelled NYE nights with an extended weekender on five floors.
  • Silvester Klubnacht 2020/2022 - Página frontal