Beta Version - Kollektiv SEIN X SKARABAEUS

  • We want to invite you to the beta version. An event all about experimentation and finding new ways. So you better block the 26.11.22 in your calendar, because you don’t want to miss this wild ride! For this, the podcast Skarabaeus and the art collective Kollektiv Sein join forces, to give all involved artists the possibility to experiment. What can you expect? On the one hand, exclusive DJ’s and a captivating interview with the special guest Hypatia. On the other hand, eye-opening art and groundbreaking performances. Keep in mind, this is an experiment. We are trying something new, and we are giving you the chance to be the first to try it out: Be our beta-user. You will find glitches and moments, where you won’t know what is happening. Just like you do in life. Because, where there is room for experimentation, there is room for mistakes, and mistakes can be so much fun. Just give it a try.
    • Administrador del evento
      THBX1Actualiza el evento
    • Última actualización
      3 months ago
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