Strange Weather - UPACARA KAMPRET! with Uwalmassa(JKT, Divisi62) & MamaMagnet

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    Uwalmassa (JKT, Divisi62) , Django (JKT, Divisi62), RAGAURA, Alina Ling, 71 (AFTERVOLVER x Rudi Osman), Arwin Hidayat (JOG), YETPET & A'alely
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  • Strange Weather presents UPACARA KAMPRET! Uniting all brothers and sisters from our mothers, we welcome Uwalmassa (DIVISI62, Jakarta) to our shores for a special site-specific performance in collaboration with RAGAURA (Sg) and Alina Ling (Sg) Enter a liminal realm between human and mechanoid, where roots fuse with wires, and preconceived binaries between nature and technology are explored. As Uwalmassa’s deconstructed gamelan melds synthetic, percussive and acoustic sounds, RAGAURA’s movement artists serve as a glitchy visualizer for sonic spirit, while light wizard Alina Ling manipulates energetic elements to disrupt our vision of space and moving bodies. The seance is made complete with the music of AFTERVOLVER x Rudi Osman, Django (DIVISI62, Jakarta) Strange Weather forecasters A’alely and YETPET, and your bodies on the dancefloor. Be ready for this ritual of the damned. Live performances and DJ sets will be presented alongside a solo exhibition by Arwin Hidayat (b.1983, Yogyakarta) curated by Mama Magnet (Sg). Drawings and contemporary one-off batiks will be available for purchase to support craft, sweat and tears straight from the source, Indonesia. Poster by master of puppets @tootjokey Drinks + Snacks Drinks by whateva kinda weather Mie bakso by Strange Warung


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