• GEGEN takes a critical look at AI recognition software for its upcoming event, with artists Perc, fka.m4a, madwoman and MELATRONIX exploring themes of anonymity and originality through the prism of alluring, heavy-duty techno.
    Zuzana Friday Hamm
  • Picture yourself adrift in a sea of data points, each one a pixel in the mosaic that claims to know you better than you know yourself. Sexuality, once a tender secret shared with trusted confidants, now morphs into 1s and 0s, ensnared in the neural networks of artificial minds. Is it "gay," "straight," or "fluid"? A tangled web of labels spun by the code masters, reducing the complexity of desire to binary codifications. But beware the false promises of algorithmic recognition, for facial scans can only grasp the surface of your being. The contours of your visage, once the canvas of emotions, are now fodder for surveillance machines. A smile, a tear, a furrowed brow, all distilled into cold data points. Who are you in the eyes of AI? A mere face to be cataloged, stripped of nuance and reduced to a series of markers. Yet, within this technocratic maze, we resist becoming pawns in the game of data commodification. We, the refracted selves, revel in the defiance of tags and labels. We evade the nets cast by algorithms, for our identities are not pre-packaged goods on the shelves of a digital supermarket. In this closed-circuit reality, we dance with the unknown, embracing the beauty of anonymity. We defy the monolithic gaze that seeks to confine us within neat checkboxes. Sexuality becomes a fluid dance of possibility, transcending rigid boundaries. Faces blur into abstract expressions, a rebellion against the tyranny of the voyeuristic AI. AIl tags are but empty echoes, as we choose to be nameless wanderers in the realm of big data. Our identity, an ever-shifting rainbow of colors, remains elusive, an enigma for the data collectors to ponder. We revel in the subversive art of disappearing, leaving behind traces of ambiguity that bewilder the algorithms. We are not beholden to the codes and classifications. Instead, we revel in the uncertainty, for therein lies the essence of being human. So, let us frolic in the realm of identity subversion, embracing the ambiguity and fusing the human-generated labels while AI hallucinates their meaning. Let us defy the preconceived notions, the rigid categories, and the techno-tyranny. For within the chaos of the fragmented self, we discover the true essence of our humanity. Let us betray the expectations, shatter the mirrors, and dance through the shards of our own identity. In this delightful rebellion, we reclaim our identity, not as a static label, but as an ever-evolving array of possibilities. ▄ Awareness: Yellow Vest Team ▄ Harm Reduction Stand: SideKicks.berlin | Sonar ▄ Art Performances ▄ Playground: Darkroom | Slings ▄ FLINTA* Playground (Female / Lesbian / Intersex / Non-binary / Transgender / Asexual) This space is exclusively designated for FLINTA* individuals only. We kindly request everyone to acknowledge and respect this space. Artwork courtesy of Bruterdam Graphics & logo by Enrico Bardin ▄▄▄▄ DRESSCODE ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ANONYMOUS, MASKED, UNIQUE, AUTHENTIC, STEALTH, UNDERCOVER, TECHWARE, RUBBER, LATEX, KINKY, FETISH. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE CONCEPT AND (DON'T) SHOW US YOUR IDENTITY. A RIGID SELECTION WILL BE ENFORCED ON THIS BASIS. NO CASUAL WEAR. ▄▄▄▄ HOUSE RULES ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ Being in possession of an e-ticket does not guarantee entry, we reserve the right to deny the entrance, refunds will be processed when this happens. ▄ In order to protect each other's privacy, the use of image-recording devices is prohibited in all the areas. ▄ We want you and our other guests to feel comfortable, regardless of gender, religion, race, class, or sexual orientation. ▄ Please make sure there is consent before approaching any physical contact. Gegen is not a place for discrimination, sexual harassment, or violence. ▄ If you should observe or experience an inappropriate situation, please don't hesitate to contact our yellow vest awareness team or any of the staff at the bars/coat check, guest service, or our door crew. ▄ Those who do not comply with these rules will be invited to leave. ▄ Join our Telegram group for advanced reduced tickets and more updates.
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