Laska by Night - Judzhen - Drews1 - Daniel l

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    Judzhen  Drews1 Daniel l
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  • This night, the music will be handled by: - Judzhen Hailing from the Latgale province of Latvia, Judzhen has become one of the most sought after selectors in the capital Riga in a matter of a couple of years. Even though he's a trained accordionist Judzhen is fixed on rhythm and percussion – from his sets to his production he's full of energy and flow, be it disco influenced or jazz influenced house – you'll always find yourself bouncing shoulders back and forth to an irresistible groove. - Drews1 There are DJs who build bridges where none have existed before, and that can be wonderful and also dangerous. But there are also those who simply see bridges that others may have forgotten about or were too lazy to look for. Both are rare. Drews1 is the second. He sees the bridges, those explicit connections, in African-American culture, and he never will be tired of exploring them, taking us on vivid journeys. Always physical - on the plates, and always with great respect for the historical aspect. Purebred! - Daniel I !!! FREE ENTRANCE !!!


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