Kaufmann (DE) @FLUCC WANNE

  • Vision Serpent x Im Freudentaumel Experience an Electrifying Night of Techno and Psytech Magic! You're invited to step into the world of VISION SERPENT, where the boundaries of sound dissolve, and the mystical melodies of uncharted sonic realms beckon. Save the Date: 14th October 23.00 Venue: Fluc Wanne, Vienna Entry: 12€ < 00:00 > 15€ In collaboration with the extraordinary "im Freudentaumel" crew, we present a night that promises to be an auditory journey like no other. Prepare to be mesmerized as we celebrate the launch of our visionary music label, featuring an exceptional lineup:


  • Kaufmann (DE) @FLUCC WANNE - Página frontal