Eden Hill presents ― A night of Berlin Techno Vol.2

  • 迎接席捲全世界的TECHNO大潮,一起跟上歐陸最火熱的夜生活型態,伊甸高原邀你柏林與台北零時差音樂連線,誰說台北不可以很柏林? 柏林的電子音樂場景以其脈動的節奏、放浪不羈的地下場景和充滿活力的undergrond音樂氛圍而聞名於世。 無論您是經驗豐富的電子樂愛好者還是好奇想踏進新世界的新人,柏林鐵克諾之夜都會給您帶來無以倫比的難忘體驗。 當太陽落在城市上空時,讓夜幕低垂的氣息充滿無限的可能性。人們舞動的能量開始累積。 來自日四面八方,花枝招展的舞客將再度聚集在一起,沉浸在充滿強力節奏的科技音樂世界中。 當你走進柏林的傳奇俱樂部之一,例如 Berghain 或 Tresor,您會發現自己沉浸在將近超載的感官刺激中, 無與倫比的音響系統,提供的低音聲線在身體裡無限的迴盪。 燈光昏暗、充滿活力的舞池成為自我表達和集體欣喜的天堂。 CHAYAH [DE] Chayah 來自德國慕尼黑,擅長於將強勁的節拍和迷人的旋律融合,她的技藝超越了她的年齡,她掌控著舞池氛圍,點燃了舞客如野火般的熱情。 Chayah 對音樂的熱情沒有界限,她的旅程帶她遊歷了地球的各個角落,從東京霓虹燈下的街道到繁華的泰國曼谷與哥倫比亞波哥大等都市。但真正讓她留下印記的地方是她的祖國德國,在 2015 年的 Echelon 戶外音樂節上,她被譽為“最佳新秀”贏得了廣泛的認可。 從那時起,Chayah 已成為慕尼黑科技界的中流砥柱,在這座城市最優秀的夜店中表現出色,以她感染力十足的節奏和無窮的能量讓觀眾讚嘆不已。今晚,她站在您面前,準備展現她獨特的音樂,邀請您在跳動的低音和催眠般的節奏中盡情歡樂。 Chayah, a maestro of the decks whose fusion of hard-driving beats and mesmerizing melodies has captivated audiences around the globe. With a skill that belies her years, she effortlessly commands the dancefloor, igniting a fervor that sweeps through the crowd like wildfire. Chayah's passion for music knows no bounds, and her travels have taken her to the far corners of the earth, from the neon-lit streets of Tokyo to the bustling metropolises of Bangkok and Bogotá. But it is in her homeland of Germany where she has truly made her mark, earning recognition as a "New Talent" at the prestigious Echelon Open Air Festival in 2015. Since then, Chayah has become a mainstay in Munich's techno scene, gracing the decks of the city's finest clubs and leaving audiences in awe with her infectious beats and boundless energy. Tonight, she stands before you ready to unleash her signature sound, inviting you to sweat and float amidst the throbbing basslines and hypnotic rhythms. Support DJ Viktor Yeh Ian Gouriet Secret Guest Tickets 500 before 11:30 600 after 11:30 700 after 12:30 顯示較少
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    Eden Hill presents ― A night of Berlin Techno Vol.2 - Página trasera