hertz feat. Ryo Murakami & YPY

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    ◾︎ GUEST LIVE Ryo Murakami YPY ◾︎ LIVE Yutaka Sakamoto little side effect vvekapipo ◾︎ DJ T.B. mae
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  • 『日本のディープシーンを牽引するRyo Murakami、国内外で活動する日本を代表する音楽家YPY、数年ぶりの来福』 福岡を拠点として、ノイズ音楽を中心とした実験音楽を展開する"hertz"に、日本を代表する電子音楽家Ryo MurakamiとYPYが登場。 もともとミニマル・テック・ハウスのトラックメイカーとして活躍してきたが、インダストリアル・アンビエント作品「Depth of Decay」を皮切りに、神聖さと緊張感を併せ持つサウンドを展開してきた、独自の深化を続けるドローニストRyo Murakamiと、goatやGEIST、KAKUHAN、bonanzasなど様々な活動形態を持ち、作品の発表ごとに日本の音楽界に衝撃を与え続けている実験音楽家、日野浩志郎のソロプロジェクトYPYをゲストに、繊細かつ深層まで広がるサウンドを展開する九州を拠点に活躍する面々がラインナップされた。 U-25 ¥2,000 (1drink order) ADV ¥2,500 (1drink order) DAY ¥3,000 (1drink order) ※ 夕方に行われるKAKUHANの九大公演にご来場された方も¥2,000+1Dで入場できます。 "Ryo Murakami, a leading figure in Japan's deep music scene, and YPY, a representative musician active both domestically and internationally, will make a long-awaited appearance in Fukuoka." Ryo Murakami, a leading figure in Japan's deep scene, and YPY, a prominent musician representing Japan both domestically and internationally, will be appearing at "hertz," based in Fukuoka, which focuses on experimental music. Originally known for his work as a minimal tech-house track maker, Ryo Murakami has since evolved his sound, starting with his industrial ambient piece "Depth of Decay," to create a sound that combines sacredness and tension. YPY, the solo project of Hiroshiro Hino, known for his work in various forms such as goat, GEIST, KAKUHAN, and bonanzas, continues to impress the Japanese music scene with each release, contributing to the lineup of hertz with their delicate and deep-reaching sounds. U-25 ¥2,000 (1drink order) ADV ¥2,500 (1drink order) DAY ¥3,000 (1drink order) *Those who attend the KAKUHAN live performance at Kyushu University Ohashi Campus on the same day can enter for ¥2,000 plus one drink.*


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