Pants feat Kato & Frames

  • Lugar
    • 12 Kellet St; Kings Cross, NSW 2011; Australia
  • Fecha
    Sat, Sep 18, 20109:00pm - 4:00am
  • Interesadx
    • 1
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    Kato Frames Mo Hat Mo Play Free Swedes Max Smart Liz Bird
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  • It’s that time of the month again! We’re not talking about your pay slip coming either. Yes your favourite utility themed night is back at Melt Bar on September the 18th, the one, the only, Pants party that you’re all invited to come throw down at! Last month we featured the disco-tastic Cadillac from Melbourne, and the incredibly handsome Murray Lake, the only DJ left in Sydney who still knows how to turn on vinyls! I’m not going to lie, they went off. To keep it escalating we’ve booked two of Sydney’s favourite humans to play show tunes for you this month. Headlining is the irreplaceable Kato! This Newcastle native has been around the scene for longer than most of us have been legal and it shows. If you can find a DJ happier and sweatier behind the decks, then you please send us their deets and maybe we’ll book them next month (probably not though). In support of Kato is the spectacled laden techno assassin – a.k.a Frames. For those of you who have missed the hype of the last few months, Frames has been releasing quality tracks that have done the world over, earning him internet accolades as well as a set at Splendour in the Grass festival held earlier this year. What Frames lacks in upper body strength, he makes up for in upper body enthusiasm. Be prepared to have your mind blown as his infectiously gyrates like a meth-addict. In support of these two will be your Pants residents in party; Mo’ Hat Mo’ Play, Free Swedes and Max Smart, who will kick it off early and keep it going late into the night. So be sure to get down to Melt Bar on the 18th of September for a night of drink and dance related debauchery. Door is $10 or $15 not on the guest list. RVSP here or to [email protected]
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