Nice & Nasty present All Day Riot! with Cj Bolland

  • Nice & Nasty and The Turk's Head host a bank holiday special ALL DAY RIOT!!! Bring about musical Anarchy and bring about social revolution by having an all day beat riot in the heart of Dublin with a host of Ireland's finest DJs and special guest CJ Bolland (R&S). Bolland is no stranger to Dublin and his gigs rock every single time and have done so for years. Add in super duper drinks promos, all day fun, no work on Monday and bingo we have a riot or at least we have a party. Nice & Nasty are being supported by Takeover records, Static, Power FM, DJs from Life Festival, Oxegen, Play FM, Tonic Radio and Dublin Xpress. DJs from Dublin, Belfast, Sligo, Kildare, Cork, Dundalk and Waterford are joing forces to create this riot. Old School and Nu-Skool DJs, Live acts and International artist all making the magic happen. Pre-sale tickets are 11 euro from / 15 euro on the door after 6pm (free between 1pm-6pm).
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    Nice & Nasty present All Day Riot! with Cj Bolland - Página trasera