Twisted Most Definitely

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    B.L.I.M (track records / tcr), Tamsin (tcr / londonbreakz), Gowan (tmd??? / breaksFM), AWESoundsystem (nsb), Collins303 (tmd??? / nsb)
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  • Its probably breaks /electro Its definitely BLIM (track records / tcr) Tamsin (tcr / londonbreakz) gowan (tmd??? / breaksFM) AWESoundsystem (nsb) Collins303 (tmd??? / nsb) and will cost you NOTHING before 00.30 or only £8 Advanced Concessions or just £10 on the door. running from 23.00 till proper late that its almost light again or 05.00 as its commonly known for more twisted shenanigans from the people behind tmd??? if you want more info or to sign up for guest list invites then you should check out here Sounds almost to easy? but will be extremely messy, and we didn't even mention the OTHER ROOM yet, details to follow. Smile