Glass Candy, Chromatics, Soft Metals

  • NOISE POP, POPSCENE, & MEZZANINE PRESENT: GLASS CANDY Glass Candy was formed by Ida No, from Vancouver, Washington, and Johnny Jewel, from Austin, Texas, in 1996. The two began working together in Portland, Oregon, just across the Columbia River from No’s hometown of Vancouver, Washington. No describes their early work as “droney and weird.” Their first two singles, which they self-released under the name “Glass Candy & the Shattered Theatre”, were “Metal Gods” (2001) and a cover of Josie Cotton’s “Johnny Are You Queer” (2002). They toured with The Convocation Of… in 2001, and released a live album that year on Vermin Scum. Their first studio album, Love Love Love, was issued on Troubleman Unlimited in 2003. A second full-length followed on Troubleman the next year. Jewel founded Italians Do It Better with Mike Simonetti as a subsidiary of Troubleman. CHROMATICS Chromatics originally hailed from Seattle as a quartet featuring vocalist Adam Miller, drummer Hannah Blilie, guitarist Devin Welch, and bassist Michelle Nolan. That lineup debuted in 2002 with a Calvin Johnson-produced 7” on Gold Standard Laboratories — a split with Die Monitr Batss — and followed with the similarly GSL-issued Chrome Rats Vs Basement Ruts LP. SOFT METALS Soft Metals is a multi-disciplinary electronic duo from Portland, Oregon now residing in Los Angeles, California. Its members Ian Hicks and Patricia Hall were brought together through a common love of 1970s and 80s synthesizer music and began writing and recording songs together in the spring of 2009. Inspiration came to them by way of experimental electronic sounds, film soundtracks, early industrial music, minimal synth, house, techno, synth pop, krautrock, psychedelic rock, and shoegaze. DJs: OMAR BT MAGNUM
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