Ice Cream Sundays with Matt Hardinge and Rufus

  • ****It's finally here folks…details of Windsor's first ever Daytime Terrace Party!!**** In Too Deep present 'Ice Cream Sundays' at the fantastic venue that is The Corner House, 22 Sheet Street, Windsor on Sunday 12th August, 1-8pm We are really pleased to have secured this venue for what we believe will be a great day of partying in the (hopefully) British summertime sunshine. We will be installing our own sound system, putting our own touches to the decor and the guys at the pub have been very kind to give us solitary use of the upstairs area which includes the fantastic terrace, indoor room with comfortable seating and our own private bar. Although we are having this party outside if the weather turns bad then we can just move on inside and get on it in the other room, no dramas.. Music on the day will be provided by two of London's finest DJ"s along with Windsor's best deep house DJ's and Crowd pleasers.. Matt Hardinge Bio: is a DJ that is making waves on the London scene. One half of the increasingly successful promoters Motek, Matt played one of our London parties last month and the guy blew the roof off The Star of Kings. Obviously we were chuffed when he agreed to come and play our terrace and will be sure not to disappoint. Rufus! Bio is a character in many senses of the word! Larger than life and all about having fun and the energy and buzz that he has naturally filters though in to his DJ sets. Looking forward to having him down to play for us and again will rock any crowd! Joining these two house heavyweights and warming things up nicely throughout the afternoon will be 3 of Windsor's best Deep House DJ's Mark Tomlinson Ross May Ward JR We are also holding back a one hour slot for an up and coming local Deep House DJ. If you think you would like this slot and you think you have the skills then click like on our Facebook page /intoodeepmusic and message us a link to a mix on soundcloud, mixcloud or any other hosting site. The best DJ, gets the slot and get's to create history and open up the very first Ice Cream Sundays. Nice :) We have all the ingredients for a great party, all we need now is to get you guys down to help us enjoy it too and gaining entry to our couldn't be easier. Email intoodeepguestlist@gmail (one mail per person attending) and you will put on to our special reduced entry rate guestlist of just £2! If you don't apply for guestlist then you can still pay on the door but it will be £5. Still pretty good for 7hours of sun drenched good times. See you there guys and let the beats roll, I2D
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