No Pictures Please Présente Ness & Mario Massaro

  • No Pictures Please & Le Smarties Bar vous présentent: // Ness & Mario Massaro Ness became interested in electronic music in the late 90's. Few years later he started djing, taking inspiration from various genres going from trance to pure experimentation. The interest in music led him to attend various courses as audio engineer or the conservatory of his hometown in Italy for some years. The need to express himself through music led him to experiment and research, the result in recent years that reflects better his music is increasingly focused on the atmosphere that is intertwined with a hypnotic rhythm.Since 2009 he founded his own label Mono Records that take the name from his own record store where he used to work since 2007 with his friend Bettosun; and releases music in labels such as Prologue, Synewave, Dynamic Reflection, Informa Records and M_REC LTD. The experience gained through the years leads to define his DJ sets that are characterized by a strong array of Techno and House at the same time. Mario brings his love for hard driving rhythms and deep lustrous pads to the forefront with his productions. He has recorded for such labels as Nutempo, Persistencebit Rec, 6one6 . Great things are in the works from Mario so stay tuned … Attention! Limited capacity - Reservations recommended Attention ! Capacité limitée - Réservation conseillée ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ ◆ Promotional links / ◆ RA: > ◆ Ness: > > > > > ◆ Mario Massaro: > > ◆ No Pictures Please: > ◆ Le Smarties c'est aussi Happy hours tous les jours de 18h à 21h, avec buffet apéro offert, pression 2€, et tous les cocktails à 6€ ... ◆ Un grand merci à vous TOUS pour votre présence aux soirées . Toutefois, il faut absolument que tout le monde participe à l'effort collectif de bonne conduite nécessaire au bon déroulement de nos soirées. Merci donc de ne pas hurler dans la rue en entrant et en sortant du Smarties afin de respecter la tranquillité des voisins... ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼ △ ▼
  • No Pictures Please Présente Ness & Mario Massaro - Página frontal
    No Pictures Please Présente Ness & Mario Massaro - Página trasera