• Lugar
    TBA - Boston
    • To Be Announced
  • Fecha
    Wed, Sep 12, 201211:00pm - 6:00am
  • Promoters
  • Interesadx
    • 1
  • Tobe Lobes - We are immensely excited to bring you this very special intimate event. I know you're all excited to be a part of it! There are some MUSTS to ensure everyone has a good time and the party can continue into the night... AT will go on a little before midnight. Please get here at 11:00pm to ensure you get in before we reach capacity. Just because you RSVP'd does NOT guarantee you'll get in. Only people on the list get in. Your friends who are really tight with the person throwing the show or Per or whomever and have been listening to Amon since diapers will NOT get in if they are not on the LIST. Everyone on the list pays $13. The hosts is gifting us their space for the night, please be considerate. Its a lovely space provided by lovely people and this party may be the first of many legendary nights if we treat it well! This means... Don't get excessively drunk. This is a chance to see The Best music in the world in an intimate setting. Be respectful and don't knock anything over, etc. Don't loiter. If you really need to have a smoke, then be quick. Follow decorum and this night will be what you expected and more. :)
  • Amon Tobin - Página frontal