Antiplastic & Wobble Lovers Feat. Rayn

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    Antiplastic (Elastica Records) Wobble Lovers feat RAYNA MC (Wobble Records) PUMPY FLEX (Fresh Pump, O' Clock Records) MORPH (Get Electrified, OTK) KRIPTO (Elektrorganizm)
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  • INDUSTRY proudly present: PLASTIC ACT#1!! Nasce a Firenze la serata che presenta le migliori avanguardie sul fronte della musica elettronica.... Si parte subito in pompa magna!!! ANTIPLASTIC (Elastica Records) Primo Live Act a Firenze - Presentazione del loro disco d'esordio: NO PRIZE (durante la serata registrazione del video per il primo singolo!!) WOBBLE LOVERS feat RAYNA MC (Wobble Records) Ormai una realtà consolidata nel panorama delle proposte più interessanti del nostro paese. Approdano a Firenze per la prima volta!! PUMPY FLEX (Fresh Pump, O' Clock Records) MORPH (Get Electrified, OTK) E... siccome non ci facciamo mancare niente stasera festeggiaa il suo compleanno con noi!!!! KRIPTO (Elektrorganizm) electro swing dj set ANTIPLASTIC: Antiplastic is a new project created by Elastica Records , the first italian label to produce Dubstep , founded in 2007 by Alberto Tucci. This project consists of the union of three different artists including the creator of the label Tuzzy, the drummer Donald Renda, and the singer Rayna. This trio, energetic and close-knit, is a mash up of new sounds ranging from dubstep most grime to dub most instrumental. These sounds are fused with percussion and electronic, a different mix that is not often heard in Italy, but is much appreciated abroad. The first release was on July 12th with the single Evil Drums with three remixes by various DJs including: Tuzzy, Almamegretta vs Funsui and Lapo aka (Numa crew), It was released in exclusive on and available for sale on with the official video aired on Rock tv. In the end of February there will be the release of new video "Pretty Fresh" one of tunes from the album, fully cured by Riot Van. Regarding the Album, it's titled "Not for Sale", inside there are thirteen tracks, all different with each other but at the same time with a unique conductive line,a tasty mix of sound, drums, dub bass and powerfull voice. WOBBLE LOVERS Puppy born as Hip Hop DJ since he was a little panda. He got the Funk ! So he plays funky shit for long time, till the day when Hip Hop died ! After that, Puppy decides to looking for a perfect beat in other lands. Actually he loves chillin and eating every kind of plants. Meanwhile Spank used to play electric bass and guitar. He moves around many years with his tribe. But one day, he undertstood that Grunge couldn't change the world. At this point Spank removed his depression and turned his life in vector design. All began when Puppy met Spank in the urban jungle. A rainy day they discovered the Power of Wobbling. Now they are ready to kick your bubble ass! INGRESSO RISERVATI AI SOCI ACSI IMPORTANTE!!!!!! Se non avete ancora la tessera ACSI compilate il modulo a questo link, faremo più veloci e troverete la tessera già pronta!!! E' valida la tessera ACSI fatta in qualunque circolo ! COME ARRIVARE In macchina Via g. di vittorio è la paralella di via Pratese. Autostrada A1 uscite a Firenze Nord, dopo il casello uscite a Sesto Fiorentino, girate intorno all'hotel, al semaforo a destra e alla rotonda a sinistra, passato il deposito dei bus Ataf girare a sinistra a U, oltrepassare semaforo e girare a destra (all'angolo ristorante cinese di fonte al deposito ataf), in fondo 100m dopo la curva lo trovate sulla destra. Venendo dal ponte indiano, passare davanti al Tenax verso osmannoro, dopo 300m trovate un semaforo,oltrepassarlo e girare a destra (all'angolo ristorante cinese di fronte al eposito ataf), in fondo 100m dopo la curva lo trovate sulla destra. Uscendo dal parcheggio ikea girare a sinistra 50m stop, girare a destra, 50m girare a sinistra, dopo 100m sulla sinistra siete arrivati. Posti per parcheggiare quanti ne volete! In treno dalla stazione di Santa Maria Novella di Firenze, bus numero 29 oppure 30 scendete davanti al deposito ataf, fermata 'Michelacci'. RESPECT PLACE NO ABUSE NO DRUGS ONLY GOOD VIBES Presso TROPICANA - LATIN PALACE (circolo acsi)
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