Biohazard Promos presents....Sedation on An Archaic Steamboat with Reset Robot & Tony Rohr

  • Biohazard Promos Presents... Sedation on an Archaic Steamboat Upper Level Reset Robot Love & Logic Endless Lower Level Tony Rohr Zenbi Eskuche & Nu Sky Boarding at 6:30pm Sailing from 7:00pm to 11:00pm Several hours of magic take place and you will enter a state of deep relaxation and feeling of not being bothered by anything around you. Time will pass by quickly and you will not even realize what just happened. You may remember nothing at all. Its like a flick of a switch and your brain shuts off and you enter twilight. Just bits and pieces of conversations and wisdom. Complete relaxation and control of everything. You feel no pain at all. Welcome to Sedation on an Archaic Steamboat! Free admission to the after party at The Culture Club on 39th Street between 5th and 6th next to Bryant Park with advanced ticket purchase! For more info on the after party visit the event link at: $10 admission to the after party without tickets to the boat!
  • Biohazard Promos presents....Sedation on An Archaic Steamboat with Reset Robot & Tony Rohr - Página frontal
    Biohazard Promos presents....Sedation on An Archaic Steamboat with Reset Robot & Tony Rohr - Página trasera