Stranjjur NYC Label Weekend

  • Der Big Apple besucht das Bellevue, Brooklyn bringt Bässe nach Zürich, oder genauer die Labelbosse von STRANJJUR NYC (ausgesprochen 'Stranger') sind mit Freunden zu Gast, ein ganzes Weekend lang! -> Stee Downes (Sonar Kollektiv/IRL,NL) -> Lula Circus (Stranjjur, Culprit/IT) -> Manhattan Projject (Stranjjur/NYC) -> DBMM (Stranjjur, Hive audio/CH) -> Kyrill & Redford (Burlesque, Light my Fire/CH) -> Plus STRANJJUR labelowners Kev Obrien & Chris Luzz! -> Freitag 19. & Samstag 20. Juli, Club Bellevue, jeweils ab 11pm, open end! -> Freitag: Lula Circus, DBMM, Manhattan Projject, Kev Obrien & Chris Luzz. -> Samstag: Stee Downes, Kyrill & Redford, Manhattan Projject, Kev Obrien & Chris Luzz. CYA AROUND FOLKS! **STEE DOWNES (Sonar Kollektiv/IRL,NL)**: Track No. 98: **LULA CIRCUS (Culprit, Stanjjur/IT)**: The Lula Circus project came to light at the end of 2008 as a result of a partnership between Danilo Sardella and Sergio Frazzingaro. Starting as a game, matching two people coming from different musical backgrounds and an "experimental experience", it soon developed into a solid project. The name of the project itself is the result of a mix between motion picture culture, Lula is the unforgettable main character in David Lynch's "Wild at Heart" and club culture embodied in the image of a big, loud and never-ending circus. All of this is backed up with a deep love for music and an endless search for a wider spectrum within the house music genre, combining echoes of Ennio Morricone's soundtracks with synths that evoke Warp's first releases. From their first release with Resopal in 2009, through to Catwash in 2010, Stranjiur and Culprit L.A. in 2011, their path has been varied but consistent in a distintive sound that identifies their work which is not bound to any specific genre. Their tracks have been played and supported by names such as Sven Vath, Maya Jane Coles, Carl Cox, Solomun, Soul Clap, Dj W!ld and Tale of Us. **DBMM (Stranjjur, Hive Audio/CH)**: DBMM ist die Abkürzung für „Discoburger Music Monster“, eine Combo die aus den drei Produzenten und DJ-Freunden Patric, Marco und Cédric besteht. Für die drei umtriebigen Köpfe ist DBMM die perfekte Möglichkeit um ihrer musikalischen Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen und die Zuhörer mit frischen und groovingen Sounds in eine bunte Welt der elektronischen Musik zu führen. Seit November 2011 sind DBMM jeden zweiten Freitag mit einem Live Set auf dem grössten lokalen Radiosender Radio24 in der Show Friday Nite zu hören. Gleich mit der ersten inoffiziellen Produktion sorgten die Jungs über die Landesgrenzen hinaus für Gesprächsstoff, indem sie für ihre Freunde von der Band Snow Patrol einen Remix / Bootleg von deren Titel „Called out in the Dark“ machen durften. Der unverwechselbare und frische Sound von DBMM stiess auch in der Heimatstadt der Produzenten, in Zürich, auf Anklang und seit Mitte 2012 ist das Züricher Plattenlabel Hive Audio die neue Homebase der Jungs. **KYRILL & REDFORD (Burlesque, Light my Fire/CH)**: Killertrack von K&R: Unter dem Namen Kyrill & Redford machen die beiden Produzenten und DJs Karl Kyrill und Luke Redford seit Beginn dieses Jahres gemeinsame Sache. Was mit einer spontanen Begegnung seinen unerwarteten Lauf nahm, entwickelte sich im Studio innert kürzester Zeit zu einem Dreamteam. Kyrill & Redfords Produktionen hören sich an wie der Soundtrack zu einem Roadtrip im Cabrio auf dem Highway Nr. 1: trockene Basslines mit einer Prise Disco und den Synths vergangener Zeiten. Positive Musik für die Maintime ist ihr Credo. Ihr Remix des Jefferson Airplane-Klassikers „Somebody to love“ wurde in der lokalen Szene im Nu zu einem Hit und trägt – bald releast auf Burlesque Musique – den Namen des Duos wohl bald auch in andere Städte. Nachgelegt wird dann mit einem Remix für Teenage Mutants auf Light my Fire und weiteren Produktionen. **THE MANHATTAN PROJJECT (Stranjjur/NYC)**/ **KEV OBRIEN & CHRIS LUZZ**: Kev Obrien and Chris Luzz's productions have been making waves ever since they first teamed in early 2011; as their first work together (their remix of Ruthit's "I Feel", for Chicago-based label, Fresh Meat Records) reached the record boxes of top jocks such as Jamie Jones and was licensed by Ministry of Sound for their Hedkandi Barcelona CD. Obrien and Luzz (who also co-own the Stranjjur Imprint label along with Andy Innelli;) have now formed their new alias, The Manhattan Projject; in which they incorporate the soulful house sounds that they've become known for, and fuse it together with the sounds of Gotham; via many hours of live field recordings captured during their daily adventures in and around the City that Never Sleeps. **STRANJJUR Imprint, Brooklyn NYC**: We all begin our relationships as Stranjjurs (pronounced as STRANGER) in the beginning. The music world is no different, and this is why our Brooklyn-based Stranjjur Imprint is committed to working with original and new artists; who we help as they begin their journey as stranjjurs to the world. Stranjjur follows the oldschool A&R methodology followed by labels that came long before we were born; focusing on unique artists that seek to defy trends and simply make music that soothes the soul, and makes you beg for more. Stranjjur focuses on no set genre; style; sound or gimmicks. We are very simply, yet 1000% committed to providing the world with the varied styles and sounds of the artists we discover and develop, whom we see as the industry's stars of the future. Our Radioshow, Stranjj Selections is aired on Ibizaglobal Radio weekly, and also monthly on, Protonradio and TunnelFM , and hosted by label owners Kev Obrien and Chris Luzz. Broacasted to you via FM and interweb airwaves. Our releases are sold digitally, and physically on vinyl in all fine record shops worldwide; sent with a big "one love" from Stranjjur mission control, in Brooklyn; New York City.
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