Parties4peace Ten Year Anniversary in Tokyo

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    Guest Jay Haze aka Fuckpony (contexterrior/bpitch/red dot relief) Ryo Tsutsui (Weekend Warriorz/Eden) Kusda (Raft Tokyo) Conoley Ospovat (Real Grooves/Continental drift) LIVE Jay Zimmerman ( Records) Bob Rogue (Wiggle Room/ Real Grooves)
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  • Parties4Peace & Friends of the community celebrate our 10 year anniversary in TOKYO, Japan ! パーティーズ・フォー・ピースの10周年を記念して、音楽とアートイベントをやってきます! ☆日時:11月1日(金)22:00~ ☆チケット:3000円(事前予約で2500円に!) @ R LOUNGE in Shibuya Location: 6.7 FLR Tousen-Udagawa Bldg, 4-7 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya map: + all funds will be donated towards the MAPA - Music & Art Peace Academy Make a direct donation here: ☆☆ LINEUP ☆☆ Guest Jay Haze aka Fuckpony (contexterrior/bpitch/red dot relief) Ryo Tsutsui (Weekend Warriorz/Eden) Kusda (Raft Tokyo) Conoley Ospovat (Real Grooves/Continental drift) LIVE Jay Zimmerman ( Records) Bob Rogue (Wiggle Room/ Real Grooves) Visuals: D.H. Rosen (TokyoDex) Live Artist: Pania Lincoln ENGLISH) Read this special interview on Pulse Radio with producer Jay Haze about his work with Red Dot Relief, Parties 4 Peace and his experience on the Peace Boat (JAPANESE) EVENT on Facebook: Photography: Brian Peterson and Following the party, producer Jay Haze will travel to Ishinomaki with Emilie McGlone and photographer Brian Peterson to provide a free party for the citizens of the areas affected by the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. Brian and the Photohoku team of volunteers will join us as an organization that helps restore the ties with family memories by providing free photographs for those who lost everything in the disaster. With your support, we can make this a great project and support Tohoku throughh art, music and photography. Info: パーティーフォーピースはクリエイティブな若者の教育をサポートする活動「Music & Art Peace Academy (MAPA)」の基金集めを活動の一環としている国際NPOプロダクション団体。MAPAは世界中の若いアーティスト、ミュージシャンやプロデューサーに多種の経験やリソースを与え、彼らの才能をさらに開花させるために働きかけております。国際NGOのPeace Boatとのパートナーシップにより、MAPAはPeace Boatの船上に若きクリエイターを招待し、ワークショップやレクチャー、実演などをプロのアーティストと共に経験できる事を提供している。 Parties 4 Peace is currently raising funds to produce its creative youth-focused educational initiative, the Music & Art Peace Academy (MAPA). MAPA aims to provide young artists, musicians and producers from around the world with experiences and resources that further enhance and develop their creative talents. In partnership with the international NGO Peace Boat–which travels the world by ship to promote peace education and sustainability–MAPA invites aspiring young creators to participate in global voyages onboard the ship to engage in workshops, lectures and hands on learning opportunities alongside professional artists. ☆☆ Discount list > [email protected] ☆☆ Our ten year anniversary is organized in collaboration with the non-profit group PangeaSeed in Tokyo. PangeaSeed Japan is dedicated to bringing awareness through education on the plight of sharks and other marine species in an effort to preserve and protect the world’s oceans. Through artivism, events, educational talks and campaigns we work to create a change within the community and develop an understanding of the need to preserve and protect the world’s oceans. パンジアシードジャパンはサメや他の海洋生物の保護と海洋保全に寄与し、啓蒙運動と教育を通じて社会の認識を高めることに努めています。アーティビズム1、行事、講演やキャンペーンなどといった啓蒙運動を通し、海を保全する社会の認識を高めるよう活動しています。
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