Ableton Live: Studio Course Spring 2014

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    Ableton Course with Mike Richardson
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  • Day: Tuesdays Dates: January 14th, 21st, 28th. February 4th, 11th. Class times: 6pm, 7pm, 8pm. Only one slot left for the next round of music making sessions with Ableton at Band on the Wall.... Grab it before it's too late! Recent (last week) testimonials for the course: "The course has really given me the confidence to put more of my own music out there. I've already done some remixes, but stalled after that as I felt I didn't have the technical know how to get my productions to sound better. Having done the course, I feel I have the tools necessary to take my productions further." "Mike is a great teacher and extremely good at making the topics taught in the course interesting along with bringing out the enthusiasm in his students."