Leisure System Glasgow 01

  • Scotland becomes the 10th country to host Leisure System when the Berlin-based record label and Berghain residency hits Glasgow on February 28th, 2014, celebrating the return of the famed Art School. Featuring Mercury Prize nominee Jon Hopkins and his churning electronics, the sonic assault of Clark live, and the revived electro of Dopplereffekt, this Leisure System brings together a unique combination of singular headliners all performing live A/V sets. Also slated to appear as DJs are Leisure System family members Visionist, Kommune1, and Hubie Davison, all three of whom released records on Leisure System in 2013. Rounding up the lineup are original Leisure System residents N>E>D and Barker. Leisure System was included on Resident Advisor's List of the Top 20 Labels of 2013. Find out why tonight. www.facebook.com/LeisureSystem www.facebook.com/artschoolscottst www.soundcloud.com/LeisureSystem www.leisuresystem.net www.theartschool.co.uk
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