Motorik!: The Hacker

  • Ladies and Gentlemen, it's with distinct pleasure that we invite you to raise your hands in the air like you just don't give a fuck. This isn't no ordinary MTK. We're building a brave new world of MTK XTC NRG, underneath the hallowed copper dome of the Marrickville Bowling Club (home to Mad Racket, and, in our opinion, the best party in the world). But, like, you know, how do you raise MTK to the next level? WE GOT THIS, SON. We've brought you Maelstrom. Louisahhh!. Gesaffelstein. Brodinski. In fact, they were all so good, we did it twice. We rep hard for our French connection. But they all view one man as the master, the teacher, and the boss. That's THE HACKER. He runs Zone. He's released seminal records with Gesaffelstein and Miss Kittin. He's the godfather of EBMRAVETECHNO... and he's going to tear MTK apart. With mind-blowing production (a HUGE Turbosound rig) and epic visual immersion from the crew at Negative, this will put your burgered brain into overdrive. Support from your boys, de MOTORIK VIBE COUNCIL - plus, our techno inferno, JENSEN INTERCEPTOR. THIS IS MOTORIK IN THE PUREST FORM POSSIBLE. TICKETS ARE STRICTLY LIMITED. DO NOT MISS THIS LANDMARK EXTRAVAGANZA. xx mvc
    • Administrador del evento
      andywebbActualiza el evento
    • Enlaces promocionales
    • Coste
      $27.50 - $33
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      Ponerse en contacto con el servicio de asistencia de RA tickets
  • Motorik!: The Hacker - Página frontal