David G. Balasch, Gus

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  • The Internet is full of blogs about any imaginable subject, and there are probably more about music than anything else. In fact, we often wonder whether it wouldn’t be better if they organised a kind of digital round-up to leave space for the few worthwhile ones. If this virtual clean-up is ever carried out, one blog that would be spared is Tower of Meaning. This covers all styles of music largely featuring electronica, providing original, different and very valuable information thanks to the hard work of David G. Balasch, a gentleman who, if he lived in the 18th century, would be a colleague of Diderot or Alembert. So, adapting to the cutting edge of modernity, tonight we are bringing in a blogger to DJ. Not just any blogger, mind you, one of the people who knows more about techno, house and other similar products of this country than anyone else.
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      katzy08Actualiza el evento
    • Coste
      €5 door & advanced
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