Just Realize. Feat. Ion Ludwig

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  • 東京パーティー、モバイル企画!! 今回は Just Realize. !! Deep House, Techno, Tech House ファンに大プッシュな夜です!! ご来場お待ちしてます!! Just Realize. 2013年、TAKUYAを中心にローンチ。 これまでにNIMA GORJI, ANTHEA, FASTER, DJEBALI, NU ZAU, PAGALがゲストアーティストとして登場している。 このパーティーのコンセプトは、日本ではまだまだ認知度が低くとも、すでに世界で活躍している、または今後活躍するであろう海外アーティストをピックアップし招聘、さらにそのアーティストにマッチしたベニューでパーティーを開催することで、アーティストとベニューの魅力を最大限に生かすというものである。 ION LUDWIG (Ugold Series / Trelik) 17歳のときにはすでにエレクトロミュージックの制作を開始する。21歳でAlphahouseと契約し、自身初 のリリースを皮切りにStock 5, Resopal, Thema, Motiv Bankなどから複雑かつ洗練されたミニマルハウスやテクノのヴァイナルを次々に発表。2011年、自身が運営するQuagmire LTDからリリースした渾身のアルバム‘Free K Loudwiggle’は大きな反響を呼び、エレクトロニックミュージックの前衛的な波を作ったと言える。彼の真骨頂であるライブパフォーマンスは、ドラムマシーン、シンセサイザー、ラップトップを自在に操り新旧の作品を織り交ぜ、決して終わることはなくエネルギーを放ち続ける。 The first signs of Ion Ludwig as a producer were brought to the world via a release on Butane’s Alphahouse in 2006. Ion however, possesses one of those unique stories of starting at such an early age, he was producing electronic music at the age of 17, having then his first release out at 21. Now, over 10 years on, his name continues to echo the representation of pure quality music, one which also shows that having a background as a musician certainly contributes greatly to such talent, dedication and wide recognition. Ion Ludwig’s musical influences are very wide and not only have been marked by for instance his early encounters with playing acoustic guitar or African drums but equally, if not more importantly, those acquired by his travels and the exposure to different cultures which contribute as major influences to his work. Ion Ludwig moved from Leeuwarden to Amsterdam and from there to Berlin in early 2005, throughout the 4 years he lived in Berlin. While actively producing in the studio places like Club Der Visionaere and Weekend Club helped shape his live performances to perfection. On labels like Alphahouse, Stock 5, Resopal, Thema and later on Motiv Bank, and his own imprint Quagmire LTD he brought intricate and sophisticated minimal house and techno records, picked up by the masters of underground culture. Special recognition needs to be given to a particular piece of work, his debut album ‘Free K Loudwiggle’ on his own imprit Quagmire LTD. This album is the result of 21 months’ work in Berlin then to finalise it, the mix down and mastering process were done over the course of 2 months after moving back to his birthplace in Holland, Kring van Dorth. The true artistic dedication with its attention to detail and beauty are so evident in this piece of work, not only for its wide musical diversity covering jazz, funk, disco, house and techno and its marvelous competency in production skills but also the entire ethos and artistic concept around it which tells us a lot about the artist and his dedication to art in its purest form. It was released to a limited 200 copies with the unique touch on hand-making all the artwork, record covers were manually printed and stamps were given to each side of each record. Following on from such artistic statement a whole new focus takes place in 2011 where labels like Meander, Be Chosen, Tenth Circle and Baby Ford's Trelik grow interest in his music. Critically acclaimed, his 2011 EP's make waves under the crème de la crème of electronic avant-guardists. This is also where his direction and style is defined for the coming years to go. In 2012 his new conceptual Label Ugold Series start in co-operation with ‘DD Distribution’ Berlin. This is a result of him finding new ways to release his increasing explorations in sound under the focus of being an ‘introverted and impressionist’ producer of house and techno music. Working from his 'Ion’s Inn Studio' inside a medieval building he explores a vast expansion of retro-technical and modern electronic instruments enabling sound to be shaped beyond any hype. On stage his live performances take place with the eye and ear set on the musical 'horizon'. Combining drum machines and synthesizers with a laptop and recordings from older and newer work his sound radiates a never-ending story and energy. TAKUYA (Just Realize. / BIAS) 2005年、毎夜クラブに出没するというただの遊び人から突然DJへ転向し、本格的に活動を開始する。 WOMBのWeekday Party “RIOT”に参加し、NEHANと共にDJユニット「BLiNKBLiTZ」を結成。 2008年、SADAA・The SAMOSのメンバーDJ RAYMONDと共に「The Barcelona」を結成。2009年2月に発売された「GRADIUS」のhouse ReMixコンピレーションアルバムに楽曲を提供。 更に、同年2009年にはFUJI ROCK FESTIVAL ‘09へ出演を果たす。 その後、日本を代表するテクノパーティー“CLASH @ ageHa”へのレギュラー出演や、ドメスティックパーティー“SURVIVAL DANCE @ WOMB”など活躍の場は拡がり、2010年には国内レーベルNo:More RecからSATOSHI OTSUKI, KIKIORIXと共に「SURVIVAL DANCE EP」をリリース。 そして、2011年にはWOMB ADVENTUREのメインステージに出演する。 2013年、新たに“Just Realize.”を立ち上げ、Anthea, Nima Gorji, Faster, Djebali, Nu Zauを招聘。 最近ではトラック制作にも力を入れており、年内に海外レーベルからのリリースが決定している。 Every night he had frequented clubs, in 2005, suddenly he changed his position to a DJ and started his career. He belonged to a weekday party at WOMB "RIOT". And there, he performed as "BLiNKBLiTZ" with a sworn friend, NEHAN. In 2008, also formed "The Barcelona" together with SADAA and DJ Raymond(from The SAMOS), and their track was compiled in the album "GRADIUS-house ReMix" in Feb 2009. Moreover, in the same year, he made his perfomance in FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '09. Then he widened his sphere of activity, like regularly performed on a representative techno party “CLASH@ageHa”, a domestic party "SURVIVAL DANCE@WOMB" and so on. In 2010, he released “SURVIVAL DANCE EP” from Japanese label No:More Rec with SATOSHI OTSUKI and KIKIORIX. And they also appeared on WOMB ADVENTURE '11. Since 2013, he has held “Just Realize.” and called Anthea, Nima Gorji, Faster, Djebali and Nu Zau to Japan. Lately he has been bent on composing his tracks, one of them is already fixed to release from worldwide label this year.