The Choice 'Extra Ultra' - Worldwide & Resistance present 'Around The World' with Nic Fanciulli

  • Lugar
    • 2-11 Sarugakucho, Hikawa Building, Shibuya, Tokyo
  • Fecha
    Tue, Apr 7, 201522:00 - 05:00
  • Interesadx
    • 9
  • ̸


    MAIN: Nic Fanciulli "5 HOUR SET" (from UK) Osamu M (WALL | Outerspace Records) LIGHTING: AIBA (TEAL | NITELIST MUSIC)
  • Compartir
  • "UK genius launches whirlwind world tour at Tokyo performance" AIR Tuesday night party THE CHOICE is a special one for the 2nd week in a row. Incoming this week is UK genius talent NIC FANCIULLI in his first appearance at AIR. Known for many accomplishments including Grammy award nominations and collaborations with big names like Underworld, Kylie Minogue, NIC is hailed as the crown jewel of house music. This spring he will launch a miracle whirlwind tour covering 8 major cities in 10 days. He picked AIR as the venue for his Tokyo performance. Getting to savor his sound characterized by sensual bass line and deep tech groove on a weekday is without a doubt a rare opportunity to be grabbed at all cost. "UKの天才が敢行する刺激的な弾丸ワールドツアーの東京公演" AIR火曜日の“THE CHOICE”は、2週連続のスペシャルヴァージョンとなる。今回飛来するのは、グラミー賞へのノミネートやUnderworld、Kylie Minogue等のビッグネームとの共作といった数々の快挙が注目され、「ハウスミュージックの至宝」と激賞されるUKの天才Nic Fanciulli、AIR初登場である。この春彼は、10日間で世界8都市を巡るという驚異の弾丸ツアーを敢行。その東京公演の舞台として、AIRが選ばれたのである。官能的ベースラインとディープなテックグルーヴが魅力の彼のサウンドをウィークデイにじっくりと堪能できるのは、間違いなく希少な体験といえるだろう。
    • Administrador del evento
      AIR_PRESSActualiza el evento
    • Última actualización
      9 years ago
    • Coste
      DOOR ¥2000(1D), w/f ¥1500(1D), AIR members (Before 12PM) FREE, 4月生まれの方入場無料(Admission free for those who were born in April.)
    • ¿Hubo algún problema con el evento?
      Ponerse en contacto con el servicio de asistencia de RA tickets
  • The Choice 'Extra Ultra' - Worldwide & Resistance present 'Around The World' with Nic Fanciulli - Página frontal
    The Choice 'Extra Ultra' - Worldwide & Resistance present 'Around The World' with Nic Fanciulli - Página trasera