Good Times International

  • --------------------------The World Is Invited!------------------------- Join us for a special celebration of Love and Freedom on Saturday July 4th. Good Times International is back in one of Williamsburg's finest venues to rock it with you international party people with this truly special event! We will provide space, visuals and sound to fully adhere to two of the most important things in life: Love and Freedom! Or, in much better words from two of the founding fathers of this thing called music in true spirit of July 4th: "All nations under the groove of all grooves, united in pursuit of happiness. Gettin’ down just for the funk of it and always on the one." - George Clinton & Jack On the decks is the full GTI crew: Stephanie Roxanne DJ Sticky Dojah Andy Szanky Visuals by Jack Foley Free with rsvp: [email protected]
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