FREEDOM Festival 05

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    Ursula Rucker, Ben Mono, MC Blaquereign, The Informants, Elation, FAQ, Statler & Waldorf, DJ Paprika (Cutucada), DJ Ravi (Sunnyside UP), DJ Bluesabelle, DJ Nick 1 (The Serenity), Matty Blades and Stoned Groove (The Scratch Foundation, Perth) & DJ Tequinox
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  • Amnesty International is an independent, politically impartial organisation that works both to promote and defend human rights around the world. The FREEDOM Festival is based on the belief that we can all use our freedom to help fight for the freedom of others. Violence against women is the greatest human rights scandal of our time. FREEDOM Festival is your chance to come together with people across Australia to send a message to governments and communities that enough is enough. Tickets available from Skinny's, Rockinghorse Records, Butterbeats, Moshtix ( and In The Mix (