Keep Sydney Open fundraiser - The Late Night Edition

  • As a good couple of thousand people are aware our great friends at Freda's are hosting a Keep Sydney Open Fundraiser party this Thursday. It's become a little bigger than they expected, as is everything attached to the movement. It's further testament to the incredible work of Keep Sydney Open. Along with last Sunday's 15,000 strong Keep Sydney Open rally and the every-day support the crucial cause is given in Sydney and abroad. Keep Sydney Open needs our financial support to continue this essential work. The fight is only just starting and we're intent on doing every we can to help them - because ultimately it's helping us and every single friend or peer involved in the music industry in Sydney... And that's just a start, we know the negative effects are more far reaching then the music industry! Another dear friend Bobby Vibe Positive is holding a 2.0 edition at The Chippendale Hotel in tandem with Freda's so they can accommodate some of the thousands and we've put together the Late Night Edition, with the absolutely amazing support of Tatler Sydney! Come have a dance for change with us and these guys! phile (live) Simon Caldwell Paul Jextra + Grand Jeté Kali $20 on the door. All proceeds to Keep Sydney Open!
  • Keep Sydney Open fundraiser - The Late Night Edition - Página frontal