Housepitality: Seven Davis Jr, Michael Tello & Blue Soul

  • (((HOUSEPITALITY))) SF DEBUT of a very annointed underground dance music artist.. ::SEVEN DAVIS Jr:: (Secret Angels, LA) ::MICHAEL TELLO:: (Housepitality, Pilllowtalk, SF, NYC) Leo birhtday bash action dat lounge: ::BLUE SOUL & CHARLOTTE THE BARONESS:: (Happy birthday Charlotte, Shanna, Bob, Ghenno and all the dozens other heads getting their birthday on.) Allow us to boast another huge SF debut and this time with one of the most critical rising artists originally hailing from Houston.. A man raised on a huge diet of soul music and a trained gospel singer turned dj/producer extraordinarire and denting crowds worldwide, Welcome SEVEN DAVIS Jr. Joining him is our very own MICHAEL TELLO who during his Pillotalk tour schedule found time to kick it with Seven Davis Jr and this whole show came about. Unreal! Plus its a HUGE Leo birthday week and we celebrate all of them including our main photographer of love, Shanna Dougherty, at once with SCOTT BOUTIN aka BLUE SOUL and CHARLOTTE THE BARONESS. Its also Charlotte's birthday and Bob, Ghenno, and I'm missing a bunch but WE GOT YOU all set with this super ill mastroful debut line up.. SEVEN DAVIS Jr. In April 1981, a being entered this physical realm and landed in Houston, Texas. He then went about finding a space where all his cosmic ideas and sonic exertions could exist in harmony. He goes by the name of Seven Davis Jr. Raised in California, SDjr. is a trained gospel vocalist, raised on the classic vocal sounds of Michael Jackson, Prince, Stevie Wonder and Aretha Franklin. He evolved with a love for jazz and classical before venturing into more mainstream/underground artists such as Jimi Hendrix, Portishead, Tricky and Bjork. With a strong artistic vision he rejected several major label offers at a young age opting instead to work behind the scenes writing, recording and anonymously assisting various other artists with their own careers. He discovered house in his early adulthood and this influence can clearly be heard throughout his productions. Futuristic sounds with classic influence as well as somewhat alien concepts - This is future soul music. Having battled some unhealthy addictions during adulthood, SDjr. transformed this negativity, ensuring it made a positive impact on his spiritual and physical evolution. After years of patiently waiting and creating in the shadows learning from everything life has thrown at him, he is now ready to share his stunning artistry with the world. With a belief that music is art and a true means of time travel, please join Seven Davis Jr. on his ever evolving quest into the never-regions of musical exploration. PER USUAL: Free champagne from 9pm-10pm. As always , free with RSVP before 10pm @ Or get a $5 presale ticket through resident advisor, look for that link in this invite. See you there. WE GOT YOU!
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