Deep Forest Festival

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    TBA - Shanghai
    • Shanghai
  • Fecha
    Sep 24, 2016
    Sat 09:30 - Sun 18:00
  • Interesadx
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  • 在2016之秋,Guilty Pleasure将把深林音乐节带到大家的身边!不同于之前在夏季的狂欢,今年从九月二十四至二十五号的两日里,我们将为大家带来一场关于氛围,音乐和求索的难忘历险。这一次我们也将把亲和自然与保护环境融入其中。 At the beginning of this autumn, Guilty Pleasure announces, Deep Forest Festival! From September the 24th to 25th, we are going to bring you an unforgettable adventure filled with good vibes, music and all kinds of awesomeness. We put the eco-friendly spirit into the definition of DFF as well. ITINERARY 行程 日期及时间:9.24 - 9.25 (周六至周日) 【上海出发】23号晚上8点或24号白天9点30; 【杭州出发】24号白天10点; (需提前一小时在出发地集合,集合地点会在报名成功后另行通知) 地点:安吉天加山 (从上海市区出发3.5小时车程,从杭州市区出发2小时车程) Date&Time:9.24 - 9.25 (Saturday to Sunday) 【From Shanghai】Departure time will be 8pm on Sep 23 or 9:30am on Sep 24 【From Hangzhou】Departure time will be 10am on Sep 24 (Gathering time is 1 hour earlier. The gathering place will be informed after you sign up ) Location:Tianjia Mountain, Anji (3.5 hours drive from central Shanghai and 2 hours drive from Hangzhou) PACKAGE&PRICE 套餐价格 早鸟票:250元 (8.25 - 9.11 有售) 正价预售:300元 (9.11 - 9.21 有售)*9.16我们预热派对现场也可以购买到早鸟票 选项一 往返巴士:上海出发150元,杭州出发100元*可以选择自由自费往返 选项二 租借双人帐篷:200元一晚(包括两套被褥与睡袋);300元两晚(包括两套被褥与睡袋);租借天空帐篷:300元一晚(包括两套被褥与睡袋);500元两晚(包括两套被褥与睡袋);*可以选择自带帐篷 Early Bird Ticket: 250RMB (8.25 - 9.11 for sale)Full-price Pre-sale Ticket: 300RMB (9.11 - 9.21 for sale) Option One Shuttle Bus: 150RMB from Shanghai; 100RMB from Hangzhou*You can choose round trip at your expense Option Two Double-tent renting 200RMB one night (including two mattresses and two sleeping bags)300RMB two nights (including two mattresses and two sleeping bags) Premium double-tent renting 300RMB one night (including two mattresses and two sleeping bags)500RMB two nights (including two mattresses and two sleeping bags)*You can choose to bring your own tent ESSENTIALS 必需品 所有参与者都需要携带好身份证,护照或其复印件以核对身份,方可入场。 另外由于本次活动在森林中举行,我们建议大家在随身行李中携带以下物品:防蚊液;露营工具;现金(森林范围内没有ATM);阳伞(以防万一);太阳镜等 All participants need to bring their ID cards or passports and copies to identify themselves. At the same time we suggest you packing: Anti-mosquito spray Camping equipment Cash (There is no ATM in the forest) Umbrella (Just in case) Sunglasses,etc 还不熟悉深林音乐节,或是想知道这次有哪些新的惊喜在等着你?别急,好戏正要登场。 Not familiar with Deep Forest Festival or wonder what's new this time? Let's have a peek at it right now. 奇遇 Adventure 森林里隐藏着哪些不为人知的珍奇异兽,在悄悄地等待着你的到来?惊喜和奇遇,也许就在下一个转角。 You may not know how many exotic animals are waiting there for you to come. Prepare yourself for a big welcome. 美食 Bon Appetite 深林里的狂欢又怎么少得了美食的助兴?我们早已为大家准备好了一场饕餮盛宴。从普通的烧烤到新奇的简餐,你总能在这找到自己的口味,肆虐一番。 How can food not be a part of the carnival in the Deep Forest? We are gonna give you a full Guilty Pleasures Gourmet Tour here. 奇思 Creativity 每个人都是造物主的即兴创作,而这一次我们要对自己重新定义!加入这场身体彩绘的狂欢吧,不去尝试,你不会知道自己内心埋着多少怪奇和灵妙,等待发迹。 Every human being is the improvisation of this world. Now we have the chance to redefine ourselves. Unleash your potential and see how it works out. You may be surprised by what you can do. 妙响 Melody 音乐这一元素将会融入本次深林每一个细微结构中,静候你来发现。我们有许多本地和国际知名的DJ以及艺术家,准备好为你带来一场最难忘的表演。 We put the element of music into every basic detail to inspire and impress you. Famous local and international DJs, performers and artists are all waiting in line to bring you a once-in-a-life-time experience. 狂欢 Carnival 秋季的傍晚,在湖边伴着些许篝火,和两三朋友大聊天下,风火水声,声声入耳。还有什么能比这更像是生活应有的样子呢?’ Sitting around the lake with bonfire burning close to you, talking with your friends about all the ups and downs you've been through... that's what we call life. 放松 Relaxation 当呼吸遇见氧气,当奔跑遇见自由,当你我在深林里遇见无拘无束的生活常态,瑜伽这个词自然而然就跳了出来。你可以不用选择,因为身体自有答案。 When you are lost in the beauty and sounds of nature, there is no better choice than yoga, right? 自由 Liberty 这场音乐盛宴里,每个人都该是表演家。加入我们即兴演奏的队伍吧。你不用表现专业,一勺热情,两滴灵感,加上几缕好氛围,你或许就是下一个焦点。 Who said you couldn't be the artist on stage? Join our jam session and feel the vibes! Enthusiasm, inspiration and atmosphere. That's all it takes to be a hit. 希冀 Hope 当夜空被星星点亮,我们也在用灯船和希冀创造一条属于自己的银河。让所有的未完待续随江河湖海漂流到远方吧,明天又是新的一天。 We are creating our own galaxy here. Write down your thoughts, prayers and aspirations and let it flow into the sea and the beyond. 我们的团队已经整装待发。大批来自本土和国际的优秀DJ,表演者和艺术家都迫不及待地要让你这个九月从此与众不同。接下来的几周中我们将会陆续公布本次深林音乐节的表演嘉宾,时刻关注我们的公众号获取最新信息。 所有犹豫的瞬间,最好的机会都在流逝。看看去年此时,你曾错过了些什么。。。 We are going to release the list of our DJs, performers and artists in the following weeks. Follow our WeChat Official Account to get the latest information. 如何联系我们? HOW TO CONTACT US? a. 直接通过微信公众账号给我们留言,我们的Guilty Pleasure Heros会随时回复大家b. 给我们写封长信吧。邮箱地址是[email protected] a. Leave us a message through WeChat platform. Our Guilty Pleasure Heros will get back to you ASAP.b. Write us an email. The address is [email protected]
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