Down feat Eric Cloutier

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  • March 19th, 2009 Eric Cloutier [The Bunker | Down] 5+ Hour Extended Set As most people know by now, Down was created by me just as a way to get out and play other music that I never really get to do much with besides sit at home and listen to. Again I've decided to take the entire night to myself - not out of greed, but I've been amassing some tracks that I'd really like to experiment with, plus I've been exploring a lot of my old vinyl again and finding gems that I had forgotten, plus finding ones that I somehow overlooked sitting right under my nose. With the weather getting nicer (hopefully), it might be a great night to leave that giant garage door of Oulu open and get a nice breeze through the venue. Plus some friends of mine have started a little art showing at the place entitled "The Range" that I would encourage you all to check out. Great local artists displaying what they love coupled with some good background music...can't really ask for much more! Oulu Lounge 170 North 4th Btwn Driggs + Bedford 10p - ??a FREE!!
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