Under My Feet. London: Flaminia, Ireen Amnes & More

  • London's collaborative project Under My Feet., founded by Egg London resident Ireen Amnes, brings together the best underground techno and industrial DJs, with live instrumentalists, performers and visual artists. Line-up: Ireen Amnes (Egg LDN) Flaminia (live) (Ways to Die Records) Cerina Simone Legni Duncan Mcload (Vicious Agency) Francesco Belfiore (Truth or Consequences) Performers: TBA Visual Projections: Maria Cristina Cerina // Francesca Maggiore www.undermyfeetldn.com [email protected] Follow us: Under My Feet. Graphic design: Kevin Olberg
  • Under My Feet. London: Flaminia, Ireen Amnes & More - Página frontal