Kellergedeck: Ghe´s Urban Base Session, Dole & Kom, Swam:Thing

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    Dole & Kom // 3000° Swam:Thing // wilde renate Brigade & Niels Poensgen (LIVE) // keller Ivorie (LIVE) // keller AMBI // keller FREAK ASS E WUZI KHAN Live Band: Urban Base Sessions #2
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  • ❥ 20-24 h ping pong at PONG CLUB mit Boogiemann // Keller ❥ concert indoor 22-23:45h ❥ Djs & Liveacts 0-8h GHE´s Urban Base Session #2 The The Green House Expansion is an eclectic band lead by grammy nominated pianist Joel Holmes. The band features the award winning jazz bassist Martin Buhl & critically acclaimed Polish drummer Kuba Gudz. The Band GHE is the host of the Urban Base Sessions. Within these monthly Jam-Sessions they bring together new musical talents at Keller´s stage to create a progressive urban soundscape and EXPAND the boundaries between Jazz, Hip-Hop, Funk and Soul. Realized by Jazz Openair Berlin and KELLERgedeck
  • Kellergedeck: Ghe´s Urban Base Session, Dole & Kom, Swam:Thing - Página frontal