Untitled with Arthur Barr, Loren Heer & Residents

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    Arthur Barr (KMAH Radio) Loren Heer (Rework) E.Wan & Chris G (Untitled / Fractal Club)
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  • This month we’re delighted to welcome one of the founding members of KMAH Radio where we have our monthly “Untitled Radio Show”. Arthur Barr is renowned for his skilful A&R and building Fullbar into a revered and forward thinking label (that released music from Luke Solomon, Hans Berg, Losoul and more) whilst 2015 saw him pour equal dedication into the music scene and co-found the now respected and reputable KMAH Radio in Leeds. We're delighted to welcome him to the Untitled family and very excited hear whats inside his record bag! Our second guest this month includes another great DJ and friend whom we met at various parties around the UK and Europe. After chatting to Loren Heer we soon realised we share the same passion for music and parties and after hearing him play we planned to get him along to one of our parties we’re delighted to finally make this happen. As always our residents E.Wan & Chris G will be taking us through their extensive record collection with their unique blend of house and techno groovers.
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