Plum , clu

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    United States of America
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  • sonic nectar emerging from a crossover of creators This compilation by non-binary, trans, and female artists anoints a ritual through its very release, at its heart a queer cross-section of sound. It’s character is neither boxed nor defined, it explores the sonic in electronic form outside convention in genre. It oozes out from fixtures and settles at an irreducible essence, while constituted by disparate strands of voice and identity. The soaring scratch inherent to Plum , clu unfurls a portal of sound-waves, carrying the listener somewhere beyond time. Though its practice, in collective creation, as archaic as prehistory. The album is a celebration in itself, the tracks free to exist together. Each one both intimately and eerily coalesces one’s senses, extraterrestrial in its notes. Not a prototype, but alive in its becoming as it meets the listener.
