Delphic Iris Records


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  • Delphic Iris Records is a DIY short run vinyl imprint based in Berlin, Germany and Sydney, Australia. Run by Drox and 16 Faces. _________ In the ethereal realm of the void there existed The Delphic Iris, a being of otherworldly power and boundless knowledge. The Iris was said to possess the ability to see into the future and hear unique and strange sounds from times and dimensions beyond our grasp. Legend has it that with a specific alignment of space and time, and with the mastering of secret ritual practices, The Delphic Iris can be conjured by mortal musicians to ignite and inspire their souls.
 __ History's stark warnings tells us that summoning The Delphic Iris is fraught with danger and risks the possible collapse of our universe, for the Iris is an unstable and powerful being. However, The Delphic Iris' visions are often too tempting to resist much like a Siren's song. In recent years, electronic musicians Drox and 16 Faces came across the existence of the Delphic Iris through secret texts found in "the Book of Tidder" and were able to command its power for short periods of time, and so “Delphic Iris Records” was born. __ Fortune has been kind to Drox and 16 Faces so far, despite the obvious risks of summoning the entity. We do not know why this is exactly, as the ceremonies are still to this day shrouded in mystery. What we do know is that we too are lucky, because now we can hear a small glimpse of what The Delphic Iris sees. It is up for debate as to whether The Delphic Iris’s intentions are good or evil, so listen with caution and may these sounds consume you, for the future of music looks promising, at least for now ….
