NYC brothers in beats

  • Publicado
    Wed, Sep 29, 2004, 08:39
  • Escrito por
    Resident Advisor
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  • NYC brothers in beats image
  • The thought of New York City conjures many different images depending from which angle you look at her. Some see it as the epicentre of fashion while others are constantly inspired by its ever-changing Trends in food and wine. From an artistic perspective, it is the capital city of the global art village. Once, not too long ago, New York City was also considered one of the world’s major centres where electron dance music was concerned. While it may be referred to as the city that never sleeps, lately things in its once thriving clubbing sphere are not looking too great. In the last few years, some of the city’s best and most famous clubs, such as Twilo, have seen their doors shut. Those that remain open are faced with instant fines on excessive noise levels while their promoters are almost forced to make concessions that just aren’t plausible. So with all this happening, you would think that the city’s dance music producers would start to feel somewhat jaded. Yes? Well, no… far from it. Lately there seems to be a plethora of new and talented producers and DJs making headway in this difficult climate. They’re not just making an impact locally but on a global level. A duo that is currently making an impression not only with their production work but also with their DJing abilities are the talented brothers, John and Nick Dalagelis. RA took a bit of the Big Apple and went Indepth with the exciting duo.