Collective Music presents Phil K & Luke Chable back-to-back

  • Publicado
    Mon, Sep 19, 2005, 09:00
  • Escrito por
    Resident Advisor
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  • Phil K and Luke Chable won't be needing to frequent any faux Irish pubs this weekend when the pair meet up in Dublin for the Collective Music's latest event.
  • Collective Music presents Phil K & Luke Chable back-to-back image
  • Phil K and Luke Chable won't be needing to frequent any faux Irish pubs this weekend when the pair meet up in Dublin for the Collective Music's latest event at The Vaults. While the pair are certainly no strangers in the studio, having collaborated in the past as Lostep, it's not often that Phil and Luke get a chance to DJ together. However this Saturday, September 24th the pair, who are two of Australia's biggest dance music exports, will play a 5-hour back-to-back set for the first time ever in Dublin. On the last occasion that Luke Chable played for Collective at Tribecca in February this year, 300 people packed themselves into the tiny Kildare St venue. One of the progressive scene's most exciting producers in recent years, 2005 has seen Luke get out from behind his computer and onto the decks, in addition to the release of his first compilation for Renaissance, "The Therapy Sessions Volume 2" with Dave Seaman. Phil K was making frequent appearances at Pioneer's R&D headquarters and contributing to first generation EFX and DJ products long before young muppets Zabiela and Halliwell. Equally skillful behind the decks as he is in the studio, Phil has notched up a swag of diverse releases and compilations the most recent of which has been his critically-acclaimed Y4K compilation on Distinctive. Support for the night will come from Dave Cummins, who hosts a radio show on Ireland's Nova946FM.