Moog's new theremin features better bass response and portability

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  • The Etherwave Theremin is described as an update to the Etherwave Standard and Etherwave Plus.
  • Moog's new theremin features better bass response and portability image
  • Moog Music's latest theremin comes with several new features for improved precision. The Etherwave Theremin, meant for both professionals and newcomers, is based on the company’s original Etherwave circuitry. It's billed as an update to previous theremin models, the Etherwave Standard and Etherwave Plus. The Etherwave Theremin has improved bass response, CV output integration to connect with other instruments and mute control that enables standby mode as well as a "pitch preview" setting through headphones. There's also an updated antenna connection for quick assembly and a quick-release mic stand adapter. As part of the launch, Moog invited thereminist Grégoire Blanc and The Octopus Project to use the Etherwave Theremin. Blanc's new EP, Lost In The Ether, was made with the instrument, while The Octopus Project recently performed with it in the Moog Sound Lab. Visit Moog's website for more details.